Fachgebiet Neuro-Informationstechnik

Camera based vital parameter estimation

The recording of important human vital parameters, such as heart rate, respiration, heart rate variability and oxygen saturation of the blood, are of great importance for diagnostics and monitoring of the state of health. Currently marketed devices for measuring these parameters use only contact-based measurement methods. These are associated with some disadvantages. This is usually uncomfortable for the wearer or can even cause skin irritation or pain if, for example, adhesive electrodes or spring clips are used for fixation.

The aim of the project is to develop a 3D image-based, non-contact measurement method for various vital parameters (heart rate, respiratory rate and SpO2 saturation) that offers the user maximum freedom of movement and maximum comfort, works robustly and quickly and is easy to use. It is based on the measurement of minimal color changes on the face that occur in the heartbeat rhythm.

Bildergalerie (3 Bilder)
 Schematisches Ablaufdiagram der Kontaktlosen Vitalparameterschätzung. (Bild 1 von 3) » Vorwärts
« ZurückGesichtserkennung mit Landmarken (links), Hauterkennung (rechts). (Bild 2 von 3) » Vorwärts
« ZurückGemessene Herzraten für den kontaktlosen kamerabasierten Ansatz und einem Fingersensor (10% Abweichung als gestrichelte Linie). (Bild 3 von 3) 



  • Michal Rapczynski, Philipp Werner, Ayoub Al-Hamadi, Continuous Low Latency Heart Rate Estimation from Painful Faces in Real Time, 23th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (2016)
  • Michal Rapczynski, Philipp Werner, Ayoub Al-Hamadi,  „Kontaktfreie kamerabasierte Messung der Herzrate in Echtzeit“, innteract conference (2016)
  • Michal Rapczynski, Frerk Saxen, Philipp Werner, Ayoub Al-Hamadi, „Der Einfluss von Hautfarbensegmentierung auf die kontaktfreie Schätzung von Vitalparameter“, 22. Workshop Farbbildverarbeitung- Ilmenau 2016
  • Rapczynski, M., Werner, P., Saxen, F., & Al-Hamadi, A. (2018, October). How the Region of Interest Impacts Contact Free Heart Rate Estimation Algorithms. In 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) (pp. 2027-2031). IEEE.
  • Michal Rapczynski, Philipp Werner, Ayoub Al-Hamadi, Effects of Video Encoding on Camera Based Heart Rate Estimation, March 2019, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering PP(99):1-1 DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2019.2904326 
  • M. Fiedler, M. Rapczyński and A. Al-Hamadi, "Fusion-Based Approach for Respiratory Rate Recognition From Facial Video Images," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 130036-130047, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3008687.



Michal Rapcynski,  Ayoub Al-Hamadi

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